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How do I embed the Web Form on my Website?

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If you did not build your website using WordPress, please: 

  1. Include the following script tag into the <head> section of your html: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  2. Include the following div tag into the <body> section of your html where you want to place the interactive web form, replacing the number 8 with the number of the service code we assigned you: <div data="8" wp="false" showform="true" ve="2"></div>

If you built your website using WordPress, please: 

  1. Download and install our plugin from the WordPress Store.

  2. On the plugin’s setup page, enter the Privacy Hotline WP Code shown shown when you navigate to the Service Codes Tab and click the Integration Help button for the Service Code you wish to publish.

  3. Use the WordPress code editor to enter [CCPATollFree] (including the [ ]s) in the location in your privacy policy where you would like to display the web form. 

In addition, for both non-Wordpress and WordPress sites, please:

  1. On your homepage footer, include a link called “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” that deep links to the interactive web form in your privacy policy using the anchor tag #ccpatollfree, e.g., 

  2. Email with a complete list of domains and subdomains where you intend to include this form (e.g.:, We require this because for security reasons, as we don’t allow web form requests from domains we haven’t registered with our service. 
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