How Can We Help?

How do I Receive Consumer Privacy Requests?

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Consumers can place a privacy request via one of four methods:

  1. Calling 866-I-OPT-OUT and entering your Service Code.
  2. Calling any dedicated phone number we have provided to you and entering a menu option if your hotline requires a consumer to enter one.
  3. Submitting an interactive web form request from a web form you have embedded in your privacy policy using the Integration Help button here.
  4. Submitting an interactive web form request from a web form we host for you using our hosted web forms service.

When you receive a privacy request via any of the above methods, we will send you an email assuming you have subscribed to email alerts here. We recommend enabling “Near Real Time Updates” to start with, and then switching to Daily Summary Emails or Friday Summary Emails if your request volume is high. We also recommend you enable “48 Hours Deadline Approaching Warning“ so we can email again if you have not marked a request as Completed in your dashboard before the CCPA’s 45/90 day deadline. Emails will come from “Privacy Toll Free Support <>” so please whitelist this domain.

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